University of Michigan Team Captains

The letter below dated December 30, 2018 was penned by a UMACT member and longtime Michigan supporter Bob Vokac BBA ’78. It was sent by email to Warde Manuel, Director of Athletics at the University of Michigan. It has been republished here with permission from Mr. Vokac.

Dear Mr. Manuel,

As a graduate and a long-time supporter of the University of Michigan, I feel it important to make one observation. While my observation clearly relates to football, it applies equally to all teams that represent our great university.
When an individual is selected as a team captain the following expectations should be clearly articulated to him or her:

  1. You represent the University of Michigan.
  2. You will never place self over the team.
  3. You will never let down your teammates and will constantly strive to be a role model for the younger players.
  4. You will serve as a team captain until the end of this season’s athletic competition.
  5. If you are unwilling or unable to meet the expectations, you may decline this honor.

Best wishes to you and your family for a happy and healthy 2019. Go Blue!

Robert H. Vokac